Tavern-Builder is the first in a planned series of the NIFTY-builder app. You can find it at https://tavern-builder.herokuapp.com and start building your own NFTs. Tavern-builder allows anyone to design, name, mint, and sell a whitelisted NFT on the WAX blockchain through AtomicAssets standard. To start building you will need to have a Wizardtavern beer label in your account. Join the conversation about tavern-builder on telegram: https://t.me/tavernbuilder

The empty room is the base of the tavern. Everyone starts with an empty room. What you add to the room and where you put it is up to you. The builder app has tables, chairs, a bar, beer taps, windows, doors, etc. All the items available to be added to rooms can be mirrored in two directions; horizontal or vertical.
Items can be used creatively inside or outside the actual room space. Some taverns have used chairs to fashion a ladder, others have used the fireplace to make stone stairs, and the carpet often makes up the floor for a second level room.

The last thing you add to the room becomes the top layer, or you can select an already placed item to bring it to the top layer. In the tavern-builder on a mobile device there is a pull-up touchpad that will help to fine-tune item placements. Pull up the arrow touch an item and then use the touchpad to move the selected item.

When you are happy with the tavern you have created, press save. In the save menu you can give your tavern a name. This will become the name field of your new NFT. In the second field it will ask, “what people will call you?” This field will be displayed on the NFT as “tavern creator.” Finally, the NFT will display a third field, “minted by:" where it will automatically display your wallet name.
When you press upload, the picture is sent to an ipfs node and a hash is sent back. All the information is then added to an NFT template and an NFT is minted and sent to your account.
Each of these rooms is very unique and different although they all were made from the same assets. From the first to the last. Some are very homey and comfortable. Like Big Mike’s Tavern, and Victoria’s Hosteria. Some are complex and full of secrets like the Mystery Chambers and … and some are wacky and wild like the upside downer and Sneaky’s trip. Any Tavern that has been put up for sale can be found here.